
The CrossFit 9 Foundational Movements consists of 9 basic exercises that are usually stacked together to create a compound exercise that can target several muscles at once, if not the whole body. These foundational movements are air squats, front squats, overhead squats, shoulder press, and more. In this article, we will dive into each of the 9 CrossFit foundational movements in order to give you a better understanding on what CrossFit truly is, and what it can do for you.

What is CrossFit? 

CrossFit is an intense and increasingly popular fitness regimen that combines elements of weightlifting, gymnastics and aerobic exercises. It is a high-intensity interval training program designed to maximize every workout’s effectiveness with short bursts of activity followed by periods of rest. CrossFit can be beneficial for those who are looking to improve overall strength, endurance, and physical condition while having fun too. 

At the heart of CrossFit are nine foundational movements: air squat, front squat, overhead squat, shoulder press, push press, push jerk, deadlift, sumo deadlift high pull and medicine ball clean. Each movement helps target different muscle groups but when combined together they create a full body workout that works all major muscle groups at once. The combination also allows users to adjust resistance levels based on their individual abilities and fitness goals. 

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What are the Benefits of CrossFit Training? 

Makes You Stronger 

CrossFit is a popular form of exercise that focuses on increasing strength, agility and speed. The 9 foundational movements are the pilates workout at home building blocks for many CrossFit workouts. These include air squats, front squats, overhead squats, shoulder press, push press, push jerk, deadlift and power clean. 

Having knowledge of these foundational moves will help ensure your success in CrossFit as well as other fitness activities. Each movement involves working with proper technique while engaging your core muscles in order to achieve maximum efficiency and safety. Executing the movements correctly will not only improve your results but will also make you stronger overall. Additionally, mastering the 9 foundational moves can open up access to more challenging exercises such as Olympic lifts or advanced plyometric movements. With consistent practice of the fundamentals comes improved coordination and balance which helps prevent injuries down the road. 

Burns Calories Efficiently 

CrossFit is a popular exercise regimen that helps people burn calories effectively and efficiently. With the CrossFit 9 Foundational Movements, beginners can learn the basics of CrossFit in an easy-to-follow way. These exercises have been designed to help newbies understand the fundamentals of CrossFit and build strength, endurance, and overall fitness. 

The nine core movements include burpees, squats, lunges, pull-ups, pushups, hanging knee raises (or toes to bar), shoulder presses (or clean & jerks), box jumps (or double unders), and medicine ball slams. Each exercise has its own unique benefits that target different parts of the body while still providing an effective full-body workout. For instance, burpees are a great exercise for developing explosive power while squats are excellent for developing leg muscle strength. 

Related: Build Strength and Endurance with our 12 Week CrossFit Program

Keeps You Burning Calories Post-WOD 

For those who are new to CrossFit, 9 foundational movements are essential to learn. These movements will not only help beginners become proficient in the sport but will also keep them burning calories post-WOD (Workout of the Day). The 9 foundational movements can be broken down into three major categories: Olympic lifts, power lifts, and gymnastics. 

Olympic lifts include the clean and jerk and the snatch. Power lifts focus on building strength with exercises like the squat, deadlift, and press. Gymnastics exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, handstands and ring dips utilize bodyweight for an effective full-body workout. 

Help with Weight Loss 

Weight loss is a goal for many, but it often feels out of reach. However, thanks to the intense and fast-paced workouts offered at CrossFit gyms, you can get in shape and shed unwanted pounds quickly. The nine foundational movements are key to success when beginning your CrossFit journey. 

One of the main draws of CrossFit is that it provides an intense workout in a short period of time. Exercises such as burpees, air squats, box jumps, pull-ups and pushups are just a few examples included in most workouts; all designed to raise your heart rate and challenge your strength. When done correctly, these exercises have been proven to help with weight loss and promote long-term health benefits such as improved mobility and lower body fat percentage. 


Everyone wants to stay healthy and fit, but taking care of your heart is especially important. CrossFit offers a unique way to exercise that focuses on 9 foundational movements, which are ideal for developing cardiovascular health. 

These 9 movements - air squat, front squat, overhead squat, shoulder press, push press, push jerk and deadlift - have been proven effective in strengthening the body while also helping to improve heart-health. By performing these exercises regularly and incorporating them into a fitness routine you will gain better cardiovascular endurance as well as stronger muscles. The exercises can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress levels and increase overall energy levels. 

CrossFit is an excellent way for beginners to get started with a healthy lifestyle that includes exercising regularly and eating nutritious food. 

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The CrossFit 9 Foundational Movements

Air Squat 

The air squat is one of the nine foundational movements that make up CrossFit. It's a simple exercise, but it can help you gain strength and mobility in your hips, glutes, and core muscles. A proper air squat should be performed with correct form and technique to ensure maximum benefit from the exercise.

To perform an air squat correctly, start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward or slightly outward. Keep your weight on your heels throughout the movement as you drop down into a seated position while keeping back straight, chest up, and gaze forward. Push through your heels to return to standing position. Your knees should stay in line with your feet during the entire movement. It’s important to maintain control throughout the whole range of motion for maximal benefit from this foundational CrossFit movement! 

Front Squat 

The Front Squat is one of the nine foundational movements of CrossFit, and it is an essential exercise for any beginner to learn. The Front Squat requires excellent technique and form in order to be performed correctly. It works your quads, glutes, and core muscles as you squat down with a barbell held across your chest. As a result, it not only strengthens your legs but also helps to improve posture and build core stability.

To perform the Front Squat correctly, you must ensure that your feet are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with toes slightly turned outwards. You should then take hold of the barbell at shoulder level before unracking it from its resting position on the rack. From here you can start to lower yourself into a squat position while maintaining an upright torso throughout - this will help ensure proper form throughout the exercise and prevent injury. 

Overhead Squat 

The overhead squat is one of the nine foundational movements of CrossFit. It is a compound, full-body exercise that will help you develop strength, power and mobility. It requires great core stability and balance which makes it an excellent tool for enhancing overall athleticism. 

The overhead squat requires a lot of coordination as well as mobility in the shoulders, hips and ankles. To perform it correctly, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grip a barbell or hand weights directly above your head with arms straight. Keep your back flat while pushing your chest out and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then drive through the heels to begin lowering the weight down until you reach below parallel (knee angle should be slightly lower than 90 degrees). Push up using your glutes, quads and hamstrings to return to standing position while maintaining control on the weight throughout motion. 

Related: From Beginner to Pro: Learn How to Do CrossFit Workout with Burpees

Shoulder Press 

The shoulder press is an essential exercise for any beginner looking to gain strength and agility through CrossFit. The movement requires you to lift a barbell overhead while standing, using the power of your shoulders and upper arms. It's considered one of the nine foundational movements in CrossFit, as it helps build a strong foundation of functional fitness.

When performing the shoulder press, form is key. Beginners should find a weight they are comfortable with and maintain proper posture throughout the lift. Start by gripping the barbell a few inches wider than shoulder-width apart with your palms facing forward. Push your chest up and pull your shoulders back before pressing the barbell above your head until your elbows are straight but not locked out. As you lower it back down to shoulder height, keep control of the weight throughout all phases of the movement for maximum efficiency and safety. 

Push Press 

Push Press is an important foundational movement in CrossFit, and every beginner should have a basic understanding of the exercise. It's a multi-joint, compound exercise that works key muscles of the upper body and core, including your shoulders, triceps, chest, quads and abdominals. In addition to helping build strength throughout your entire body, it can also be used as part of an aerobic conditioning program or for developing explosive power. 

The primary focus of this move is on the shoulder press portion - pressing a barbell from shoulder height up to full arm extension overhead. To perform the push press correctly you must first dip slightly at your knees and then drive up through your legs while pressing the weight overhead to help you generate more power. 

Push Jerk 

The Push Jerk is one of the nine foundational movements of CrossFit. It helps beginners to learn proper body positioning, balance and coordination. The push jerk is a complex movement that requires strength, power and mobility. It works all major muscle groups in the upper body including your shoulders, arms, chest and core.

The push jerk begins with standing upright with hips flexed and feet shoulder width apart. The barbell will then be held on your front side shoulder with an overhand grip close to your chin. You will need to dip slightly pushing through the floor before explosively extending up using the legs and hips while pressing up with the arms. Upon standing up straight you must extend your elbows quickly in order to receive the barbell in an overhead position without losing balance or momentum. 

Deadlift Sumo 

Deadlifting is an essential part of CrossFit and one of the nine foundational movements. For many people, deadlifts are intimidating because they require a lot of strength and coordination to do safely. However, the Sumo deadlift is a variation that can help beginners nail down the basics before transitioning to traditional form. 

The Sumo deadlift borrows its name from the wide stance used in the classic Japanese martial art; feet are turned out at a 45-degree angle with toes pointed outwards and hands placed on either side of the legs, gripping onto a barbell or dumbbells. This position reduces stress on your back by allowing you to use more quadriceps muscles rather than relying solely on your hamstrings and lower back muscles. 

Deadlift High Pull 

Deadlifts are one of the most important exercises for any CrossFit beginner to learn and master. The deadlift high pull is an advanced version of the standard deadlift that requires a higher degree of strength and coordination. Though challenging, it's an essential move for anyone who wants to take their CrossFit workouts to the next level.

The deadlift high pull combines many of the classic elements of the traditional deadlift with dynamic plyometric movements. You must lift a barbell from the ground while maintaining proper form and posture before explosively raising your arms towards your chin in a rapid pulling motion. This intense full-body exercise activates muscles throughout your entire body, such as your glutes, hamstrings, back, shoulders, and core— all while increasing your power production capabilities significantly. 

Medicine Ball Clean 

Medicine Ball Clean is an important core CrossFit movement that every beginner must know. This exercise emphasizes proper form, coordination, and power while improving total body strength and conditioning. The medicine ball clean requires the athlete to use a combination of explosive hip drive with a triple extension of the ankles, knees, and hips to propel the medicine ball from the floor up to chest height. As soon as the ball reaches its peak height above the shoulders, it should be quickly caught in a quarter-squat position before being thrown back down to the ground. This full body dynamic movement can help increase general fitness levels by building strength and power throughout multiple muscle groups while improving stability and coordination. With practice, this intense exercise can also improve cardiovascular endurance as well as agility and accuracy when throwing an object in motion during any event or competition.


CrossFit 9 Foundational Movements: What Every Beginner Must Know is a comprehensive guide to the essential exercises that comprise CrossFit. These movements can be used to improve strength, power, and cardiovascular endurance when performed correctly. By mastering these nine foundational movements, beginners can quickly progress from novice to advanced levels of physical fitness. 

Getting started with CrossFit is an exciting experience for newcomers and by following the advice in this article, anyone can make rapid progress toward achieving their fitness goals. In addition to being mindful of proper form and technique, it is important for new practitioners to remember that consistency is key when it comes to achieving long-term success. Consistently performing each exercise at least three times a week will go a long way in helping you reach your health targets faster and more effectively.